It’s May, which means (if you happen to be a law firm librarian) it is summer student training time.
COVID-19 has meant that a significant amount of training is now offered online rather than in person. Online training has its own set of challenges, one of which includes keeping the participants involved.
One way of increasing involvement is by using polls in your training, either to establish what attendees already know or use (e.g. “what’s your favourite online resource?”) or to test them on what they have just been taught. Your options will (obviously) depend on what resource you are using for remote training.
If you are using Teams, you can find details of how to set up polls at Teams offers three polling options: multiple choice poll, multiple choice quiz, and word cloud.
If you are using Teams, you can find details of how to set up polls at
Whatever resource you use, I would highly recommend a trial run of polls before the training session.